James Rodger
Biodiversity and Plant Reproduction
Please contact me if you are unable to obtain any publications from the links below
Yahaya, M., P. Landi, P., J.G. Rodger and C. Hui.2024. Emergence of structure in plant-pollinator networks: Low floral resource constrains network specialisation. Oikos.
Rodger, J. G., J. M. Bennett, M. Razanajatovo, T. M. Knight, M. van Kleunen, T. L. Ashman, J. A. Steets, C. Hui, G. Arceo-Gómez, M. Burd, L. A. Burkle, J. H. Burns, W. Durka, L. Freitas, J. E. Kemp, J. Li, A. Pauw, J. Vamosi, M. Wolowski, J. Xia, and A. G. Ellis. 2021. Widespread vulnerability of plant seed production to pollinator declines. Science Advances 7 eabd3524.
Latombe, G, D. M. Richardson, M. A. McGeoch, R. Altwegg, J. A. Catford, J. M. Chase, F. Courchamp, K. J. Esler, J. M. Jeschke, P. Landi, J. Measey, G. F. Midgley, H. O. Minoarivelo, J. G. Rodger, C. Hui. 2021. Mechanistic reconciliation of community and invasion ecology. Ecosphere e03359.
Bennett, J. M., J. A. Steets, J. H. Burns, L. A. Burkle, J. C. Vamosi, M. Wolowski, G. Arceo-Gomez, M. Burd, W. Durka, A. G. Ellis, L. Freitas, J. Li, J. G. Rodger, V. Stefan, J. Xia, T. M. Knight, and T. L. Ashman. 2020. Land use and pollinator dependency drives global patterns of pollen limitation in the Anthropocene. Nature Communications 11:3999.
Burns, J. H., J. M. Bennett, J. Li, J. Xia, G. Arceo-Gomez, M. Burd, L. A. Burkle, W. Durka, A. G. Ellis, L. Freitas, J. G. Rodger, J. C. Vamosi, M. Wolowski, T. L. Ashman, T. M. Knight, and J. A. Steets. 2019. Plant traits moderate pollen limitation of introduced and native plants: a phylogenetic meta-analysis of global scale. New Phytologist.
Bennett, J.M., Steets, J.A., Burns, J.H., Durka, W., Vamosi, J.C., Arceo-Gómez, G., Burd, M., Burkle, L.A., Ellis, A.G., Freitas, L., Li, J., Rodger, J.G., Wolowski, M., Xia, J., Ashman, T-L., and Knight, T.M. 2018. GloPL, a global data base on pollen limitation of plant reproduction. Scientific Data 5 180249.
Rodger, J.G., P. Landi and C. Hui. 2018. Heterogeneity in local density allows a positive evolutionary relationship between self-fertilisation and dispersal. Evolution 72: 1784-1800. https://doi.org/10.1111/evo.13562
Rodger, J.G. and Ellis, A.G. 2016. Distinct effects of pollinator dependence and self-incompatibility on pollen limitation in South African biodiversity hotspots. Biology letters 12: 20160253.
Dormontt, E.E., M.G. Gardner, M.F. Breed, J.G. Rodger, P.J. Prentis, and A.J. Lowe, 2014. Genetic Bottlenecks in Time and Space: Reconstructing invasions from contemporary and historical collections. Plos One 9. e106874
De Waal, C., J.G. Rodger, B. Anderson and A.G. Ellis. 2014. Selfing ability and dispersal are positively related, but not affected by range position, across multiple species of southern African Asteraceae. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 27: 950-959.
Rodger, J. G. and S. D. Johnson. 2013. Self-pollination and inbreeding depression in Acacia dealbata. Can selfing promote invasion in trees? South African Journal of Botany 88:252-259.
Rodger, J. G., M. van Kleunen and S. D. Johnson. 2013. Pollinators, mates and Allee effects: the importance of self-pollination for fecundity in an invasive lily. Functional Ecology 27: 1023-1033.
Gibson, M. R., D. M. Richardson, E. Marchante, H. Marchante, J. G. Rodger, G. N. Stone, M. Byrne, A. Fuentes-Ramírez, N. George, C. Harris, S. D. Johnson, J. J. Le Roux, J. T. Miller, A. Pauw, M. N. Prescott, E. M. Wandrag, and J. R. U. Wilson. 2011. Reproductive biology of Australian acacias: important mediator of invasiveness? Diversity and Distributions 17:911-933.
Rodger, J. G., M. van Kleunen, and S. D. Johnson. 2010. Does specialized pollination impede plant invasions? International Journal of Plant Sciences 171:382-391.
Rodger, J. G., K. Balkwill, and B. Gemmill. 2004. African pollination studies: where are the gaps? International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 24:5-28.
Rodger, J. G. and W. C. Twine. 2002. Tree canopies facilitate invasion of communal savanna rangelands by Lantana camara. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 19:131-135.
Book chapters
Wandrag, E.M., Gibson, M.R., Rodger, J.G. 2023. Reproductive mutualisms of Australian Acacia species. in Richardson, D.M., Le Roux, J.J. and Marchante, E. (Eds). “Wattles – Australian Acacia species around the world.” CABI.
Anderson, B., N. Allsopp, A. G. Ellis, S. D. Johnson, J. J. Midgley, A. Pauw, and J. G. Rodger. 2014. Biotic Interactions. in N. Allsopp, J. F. Colville, and G. A. Verboom, editors. Fynbos: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation of a Megadiverse Region. Oxford University Press.
Popular articles
Rodger, J. G. Biodiversity depends on pollinators: a first estimate of how many plants rely on animals. 2021, The Conversation.
Rodger, J. G., J. S. Donaldson, E. C. Eardley, A. Pauw, S. D. Johnson and S. M. Richardson. 2013. SA should put bumblebees to flight. Farmers Weekly 13019:30-31.